Muddled Times
Discussion:Forum post

Firedemon interview

I sat down with Firedemon to interview him on his wiz running antics. Firedemon had some surprising perspective on what it takes to make wiz:

*Havoc the warlock says "Hey, Firedemon. Thanks for agreeing to being interviewed.".
*Firedemon the mage says "my pleasure :)".
*Havoc the warlock says "When did you first discover mud2?".
*Firedemon the mage says "i first came across mud2 thanks to neighbour Richard.".
*Firedemon the mage says "we used to have game nights on a thursday and he showed me an interesting and tough game".
*Havoc the warlock says "Richard Bartle?".
*Firedemon the mage says "no, he went by Aaron on mud".
*Havoc the warlock says "How old were you then?".
*Firedemon the mage says "i was around 13 years old".
*Havoc the warlock says "How long did it take you to get hooked?".
*Firedemon the mage says "it took me around a week. at first i thought the game was pants due to there being no graphics".
*Havoc the warlock says "How many years did it take you to get the point where you felt proficient?".
*Firedemon the mage says "i would say....".
*Firedemon the mage says "2-3 years".
*Havoc the warlock says "That's pretty fast.".
*Firedemon the mage says "more players back then to learn from".
*Havoc the warlock says "What happened to get you thinking about running for wiz?".
*Firedemon the mage says "i dedicated alot of my spare time".
*Firedemon the mage says "mostly my point scoring and how quick i could score those points".
*Firedemon the mage says "i was very good at making warlocks fast".
*Firedemon the mage says "keeping them though... not so good :)".
*Havoc the warlock says "How many resets was it taking you to get to warlock by that point?".
*Firedemon the mage says "i would say 4 maybe, that is going by todays standard also".
*Havoc the warlock says "That's pretty good too.".
*Havoc the warlock says "So what happened?".
*Firedemon the mage says "i had to put a few runs on hold as i got older. college was a big run killer for me".
*Firedemon the mage says "then work took priority for me".
*Havoc the warlock says "So your runs fizzled due to lack of time to dedicate to them?".
*Firedemon the mage says "for the most part. i wont deny the pressure of the run affected me alot.".
*Firedemon the mage says "out there every set and most of them you are hunted down. it can be tough to handle".
Havoc the warlock says "What was the pressure like?".
*Havoc the warlock says "Or what about it made it tough to handle?".
*Firedemon the mage says "some days are better than others. all depends on how well you perform. if you lose a few fights you start to question if you are really cut out to make wizard".
*Firedemon the mage says "but if it was easy we would all be rocking the pointy hats".
*Havoc the warlock says "What helped you get through your moments of doubt?".
*Firedemon the mage says "the dream. the one dream that drives many of us in these lands... to make the ultimate goal of wizard. to join that select group of players who reached the top of the mountain.".
*Havoc the warlock says "How long ago was your last run at wiz?".
*Firedemon the mage says "i'm getting old now so the memory isn't what it was but i would say 3 years ago".
*Havoc the warlock says "Are you done with running for wiz?".
*Firedemon the mage says "not by a long shot".
*Firedemon the mage says "the time is right where i can dedicate the time needed for the final crack at it".
*Havoc the warlock says "So you're gearing up mentally to run for wiz right now?".
*Firedemon the mage says "if i survive the next 20k, you never know :)".
*val firedemon
The value of Firedemon the mage is 38,346 points (37,196 points basic, 1,150 points in bounty).
*Havoc the warlock says "Oh wow! You're at 185.6k!".
*Firedemon the mage says "i am determined, more determined than ever. i play like every set is my last.".
*Firedemon the mage says "be that as a mage or a mortal".
*Havoc the warlock says "What's different about playing a reset as though it's your last?".
*Firedemon the mage says "extreme amount of pressure.".
*Firedemon the mage says "hands are shaking like mad".
*Firedemon the mage says "excited yet you have to ignore it all".
*Havoc the warlock says "So this could quite easily be your last interview before making wiz!".
*Firedemon the mage says "its possible. though i am waiting for a more active time to play this mage. i want to make it in style".
*Havoc the warlock says "What percentage of the way to wiz does 20k away feel like to you now?".
*Firedemon the mage says "even though i am 20k away it feels like 204800. its no different to me".
*Havoc the warlock says "Why is that do you think?".
*Firedemon the mage says "mud is unpredictable. i could die to the dragon, another mortal. hell even a baby dwarf could finish me off".
*Firedemon the mage says "start worrying about points and it throws you off because you want to protect those points. if you have the drive to make wiz then you will".
*Havoc the warlock says "A quick switch to the tactical before we finish up...".
*Havoc the warlock says "What do you find a key aspect to a high scoring reset?".
*Firedemon the mage says "being comfy in what you are doing, i remember when i first came back and made my first warlock... what a mess i was".
*Havoc the warlock says "What does being comfy look or feel like?".
*Firedemon the mage says "high scoring sets you feel a sense of accomplishment and it looks like a player who could be in the running to make wizard.".
*Firedemon the mage says "scoring high sets is one thing but to keep doing it is different".
*Havoc the warlock says "Can you explain what being comfy means to someone who's not felt it?".
*Firedemon the mage says "being comfy north came with confidence. PvP was a huge factor in building that confidence. i dont worry about being north or what i'm doing when i am, i just do it naturally now.".
*Havoc the warlock says "Ok. It sounds like being comfy wears off if you don't play. How regularly do you need to play to maintain that state of play?".
*Firedemon the mage says "very often. when i returned less a month ago i was an absolute mess. small things i forgot came back to bite me in a nasty way but after playing ALOT i soon got back into my zone".
*Havoc the warlock says "How much time are you putting in each day now to stay at your peak?".
*Firedemon the mage says "the other day i put in 16 hours, every reset i played.".
*Firedemon the mage says "thankfully i had the day off work :)".
*Havoc the warlock says "Yikes! That's a big time commitment!".
*Firedemon the mage says "you need that commitment to make wiz.".
*Firedemon the mage says "biggest tip i can give. don't be afraid to go for it".
*Havoc the warlock says "If there are killers you most fear or respect at the moment. Who are they? Who's the most likely one to kill your before you wiz?".
*Firedemon the mage says "Hisoka gives me a run for my money. he has also helped me in several ways since my return and for that i am greatful".
*Firedemon the mage says "if he was to kill this mage i wouldnt be upset. i would make another 185k mage and try again till i win".
*Havoc the warlock says "Hisoka has been helpful by attacking you? Or in some other way?".
*Firedemon the mage says "every attack comes with a lesson. if you're willing to learn those lessons you will go far".
*Havoc the warlock says "Two more questions before we wrap up.".
*Firedemon the mage says "sure".
*Havoc the warlock says "Any advice that you haven't already given for those out there that may be considering a run for wiz?".
*Firedemon the mage says "biggest killer of wiz running is making mage and then being too afraid to play it. just enjoy the ride and most of all, have fun with it.".
*Havoc the warlock says "You said you want to wiz in style. Have you put any thought into what you want to cross over to wiz by doing?".
*Firedemon the mage says "either by killing someone or by the roar of a dragon :)".
*Firedemon the mage says "though it will probably be wiz by firefly0 lol".
*Havoc the warlock says "Good luck, Firedemon! Thanks for taking the time for this interview.".
*en Firedemon
You encourage Firedemon the mage.
*Havoc the warlock says "I'll post this soon (hopefully I can figure out maintaining the formatting and colouring).".
*Firedemon the mage says "no, thankyou. i hope one day you can experience what i do and by that point... i will interview you :)".
*Havoc the warlock says "Deal!".
*Firedemon the mage smiles.

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