Muddled Times
Issue:Issue 31, May 2006

*You are magically transported, and find yourself in the place known as "top
of north mountain".
Top of north mountain.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard is here.
Upon becoming the first to reach the summit, you are suddenly filled with a
marvellous rush of pride at the sheer achievement of it all.
(+50 = 18,070).
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard waves.
Top of north mountain.
You are standing at the top of the north mountain, the highest point in all
The Land, and a magnificent view greets your eyes. Although the lower slopes
are shrouded in mist, you can see the sea and islands out to the west, areas
of pasture and forest to the south, and a castle further to the southeast,
beyond a glistening river. A tall pagoda thrusts upwards from woodland to
the east, but to the north lie only bleak, snow-covered, mountainous wastes.
Perhaps more your current concern, however, is the way down from here; the
only viable route is to the east, where begins a rocky scramble of
dangerously loose rocks. 
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard is here.
OK, Cenedra the sorceress waves.
Cenedra the sorceress says "very nice view.".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress grins.
You act as if Cenedra puts her thinking cap on
Cenedra the sorceress says "ok lets see we can go for the obvious questions,
or we can go for the more juicier questions about mud".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Up to you.".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "right lets start with some easier ones. what
made you decide to become a wiz?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I decided I had to do it, if I
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I had explored quite a bit, it
just seemed I could do more if I made wiz.".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "was there any other reasons behind it, such as
to improve the game..or just to "beat" the game?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard exclaims "Plus it let me chat with
no fear of dying!".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress giggles.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I never wanted to beat
anything. I just liked playing.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "And its quite fun being a
Cenedra the sorceress asks "do you miss being a mort in some ways?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Nope, I am still mort, when I
choose to play one. I have all the advantages and disadvantages everyone
does, its quite nice.".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "what about being an arch wizard? do you find
that more enjoyable, or more responsibility?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "It is a responsibility.".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "but a good one?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Being an arch is not something
I really ever expected to happen.".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "do you feel that the attitude towards wizzes has
changed over the years of playing?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Attitudes, yes, I do, but then
I played some other systems, I cannot vouch for here.".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "do you think the change in attitude has been a
good thing or a bad thing?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "I am not in a position to
judge? But I used to respect and fear wizzes, I think some of that has been
OK, Cenedra the sorceress nods.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I don't mean fear because they
would abuse me, just, it seemed natural to have respect".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard shrugs.
Cenedra the sorceress asks "what about fear?".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "the loss of fear is good or bad?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "They knew all the tricks, so
if I was cheeky they could kill me.".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "what do you feel the loss of fear and respect
might be down to?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "But in those days I paid to
dial up".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress grins.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "Well lets face it if you paid
for a months play in dial up and died, it was more than a subscription and
adsl charges?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard exclaims "There are some of us that
have run up 1000 pound mud bills in 3 months you know!".
Cenedra the sorceress says "true, so you think that morts nowadays arent so
afraid of fods because its easier with broadband to make the persona over
OK, Cenedra the sorceress blushes.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Not recently obviously".
Cenedra the sorceress exclaims "yeah cloud and i used to play back to back,
back in the days!".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "I am not sure it is easier, it
may well be cheaper? I am not sure if that is connected?".
Cenedra the sorceress says "ok heres a nice question. how did you cross over
to wiz, and what did you do to celebrate".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "First or second time?".
Cenedra the sorceress says "both :)".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard smiles.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "First time, I turned to the
dark side.".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress gasps.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Tethys bountied me for 20k I
think, it was a while ago, anyway Angelmist came on to help me with stuff,
and I was SOOOOO close to wiz, I attacked her. Flee or kill, I was a wiz,
and she had no chance. And she was my best mate on mud probably.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "20k for that 1 reset that is.".
Cenedra the sorceress says "blimey".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "Never trust a wiz runner?".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress grins.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard grins.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Here, I had some fun too.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I really wanted to make it off
a dragon kill.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "But odd stuff was happening.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "So I worked out if I killed
the hh, I would be about 50 points short of wiz.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Thus where we are. Make it
here first, you get 50 points, kill hh, make wiz :)".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "This is where the deed was
Cenedra the sorceress asks "and did you celebrate?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I was really pleased, but the
first time is special.".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress nods.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "OK, back to a story.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Once upon a time, there were
two wizzes.".
*:gets comfy
You act as if Cenedra gets comfy
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "One was called Hawumph, the
other Turrican.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "And one night, Foddy called
them to a conference.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "He explained that for a while,
he would need cover because he had some commitments.".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress nods.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Well we both knew what was
coming, new arch wiz.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "And we both agreed. He will
make a good arch.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Unfortunately we both agreed
the other one would make a good arch.".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress grins.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard exclaims "And he meant both of us!".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard exclaims "So maybe it takes a bit of
self deprecation too!".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "what advice would you offer someone who wanted
to make wiz?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "Don't do it just to end the
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "It is a whole new start.".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "and if you could change one thing in mud, what
would it be?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "I have to choose just one?".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress shakes her head.
Cenedra the sorceress says "if you can think of more, go for it :)".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard smiles.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "OK well for one, making wiz,
it is NOT the end of the road, but the game changes. And there are no guides
to things you missed, so explore a lot as a mortal, it makes it easier.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I don't think I would change
any game things. They evolve and that is down to Richard and input from
people. I like it that way.".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress nods.
Cenedra the sorceress says "so many im tempted to ask tho but am behaving
myself ;)".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Go for it".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "You can always delete".
Cenedra the sorceress says "ok. is it true there is a "hard mode?"".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress cackles.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard grins.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "Because Rev claims there is?".
Cenedra the sorceress says "its been spoken about a few times since rev left
the messages on the forum".
Cenedra the sorceress says "so i thought it might be a good idea to know the
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "Would knowing spoil the
Cenedra the sorceress says "i think it would probably stop people blaming
wizzes for dying to mobiles, saying they set it to "hard mode"".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "OK, then let me answer another
way, leaving the mystery of that to be solved by making wiz, or arch.".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress laughs.
Cenedra the sorceress says "thats good".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Wizzes live by a quite strict
set of rules.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "What they are you will need to
make witch to see.".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress shudders.
OK, Cenedra the sorceress grins.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard exclaims "However random mobile
interference usually is not on the agenda!".
Cenedra the sorceress says "ok go on to next question its a nice one :)".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "who influenced you the most in mud2?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Tobias influenced me the most
Cenedra the sorceress asks "how so?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "He prompted my mortal persona
to do stuff on .com. Expand my horizons.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Turn to the dark side :)".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress laughs.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I was never really into that,
but when I made wiz, he also trained me".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress nods.
Cenedra the sorceress asks "what made you decide to come to".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "That's the hardest question you
asked yet.".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard gulps.
Cenedra the sorceress says "yay im getting good at this".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress grins.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "I was quite active on another
system, but felt that I was not getting input, mortal or otherwise. I had
resisted playing here because of earlier wp experiences?".
Cenedra the sorceress asks "what do you feel mud needs the most?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard exclaims "Enthusiasm!".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard smiles.
Cenedra the sorceress asks "and how do you think people can get more
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Just try stuff. Attend meets,
try stupid bashes, insane quests, ask for things to be jazzed up, or just do
normal resetes.".
OK, Cenedra the sorceress nods.
Cenedra the sorceress asks "who would you like to see make wiz?".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard exclaims "I would say a couple of
long standing players, neither of whom would be naturally seen as wiz runners,
most worryingly by themselves. People should push harder!".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "One for you. Who will be our
next wiz?".
Cenedra the sorceress says "ah who will be next wiz. probably and hopefully
Cenedra the sorceress says "just get the feeling she will make a good
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard nods.
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "She has fairly good game
knowledge, and she is sociable. So yeah, she might well make a good witch.".
Cenedra the sorceress says "thank you very much for letting me interview you".
*Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "You're welcome.".

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