Muddled Times
Issue:Issue 31, May 2006

Muddled Times Questionniare Summary

Thank you to everyone who responded to the 'Muddled Times Questionnaire' in the last issue. The number of respondants wasn't huge, I hope this isn't a reflection of our readership numbers!

Below is a summary of the responses to each question:

Are you an occasional or regular reader of Muddled Times?

92% are regular readers

Have you read all of the issues of Muddled Times?

75% have read all of the issues

Have you ever played MUD2?

All respondants were MUD2 players bar 1 person who hasn't been included elsewhere due to incomplete answers.

Are you an active player of MUD2?

58% consider themselves active players

If not, when was the last time you regularly played MUD2?

Generally the reply was within 2 years.

Have you ever contributed an article to Muddled Times?

58% had contributed an article

Do you intend to contribute an article to Muddled Times by the end of the year?

67% do intend to contribute an article within a year

Would you like to contribute an article to Muddled Times?

83% would like to contribute an article

If Muddled Times stopped would you miss it?

92% would miss Muddled Times

How do you know when a new issue of Muddled Times is out?

The most common response was by e-mail notification. Other responses were in-game notice, forums,, other players and random check.

Which is your favourite section of Muddled Times?

The replies to this included News & Gossip, Editorial, Interviews, Game Info, Articles, Charts, Logs, Letters, Chat Sections (from previous issues), Event Reports, Quizzes. Game hints and tips was mentioned frequently.

Is there any aspect of Muddled Times that you would like to see more of?

The responses to this included Logs, News & Gossip, Event Reports, Interviews, Quizzes, Myths & Legends.

Is there anything else you would like to see in Muddled Times?

Suggested ideas were:

  • A list of article ideas/titles
  • Character biographies
  • Death chart


The first and third of the suggested ideas have both been implemented in this issue. The suggestion of character biographies is something I can work on if enough people are willing to volunteer the information. Are there any other ideas that people have for Muddled Times? If so, please fill in a feedback form and I will try and incorporate any feasible ideas in the next issue.

Mail the author

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