Muddled Times
Welcome to Issue 23 of Muddled Times!
A message from the editor.
-News & Gossip
Take a look here for the latest news and gossip in MUD2!
Read articles written about MUD2.
-Game Information
This section holds lots of goodies for the new and not so new MUD2 player.
Havoc's day began just like any other - sipping his drink in the Elizabethan Tea Room ...
Once more, we bring you the top 100 dead or alive.
Hawumph dons his agony-aunt hat to help with a few problems he's been asked to solve.
-Dragon Island Dates
Who would you like to be stuck on the Dragon Island with?
Vulnax relives the day the Immortal Mansion opened to visitors.
New to Muddled Times, fill in the questionnaires to let us know what you really think.
Send in your comments and views. We'll put them in our letters section and may even answer them!
-Feedback Form
Send us feedback to let us know what you think about this issue.