Muddled Times
Issue:Issue 31, May 2006

High in the sky.
You are floating around high in the air above The Land, you lucky so and so. 
Crowley the cabalist is here.
You're too high up to see anything in detail.
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "yay!".
Crowley teeters worryingly near the edge
Crowley the cabalist wonders, the edge of what
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "sanity?".
Crowley the cabalist says "I remember that".
Crowley the cabalist says "Hullo, the mighty Karya, how are you? :)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "I'm well thanks, and how are you?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard
Karya the melancholy arch-witch
Caedere the warlock
Brisa the warlock
Cenedra the sorceress 
Crowley the cabalist
Kalliss the guest
Lauraguest the guest
Crowley the cabalist says "ok, apart from my right eye".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what's up with it?".
Crowley the cabalist says "I had an inflamed iris, and the evil people at the eye
hospital made me put dilating eyedrops in it, so the pupil was like a huuuge saucer,
making everything blurry through it.".
Crowley the cabalist says "I stopped taking the drops yesterday morning, and it's
still ludicrously dilated".
Crowley the cabalist says "So forgive my blurry typing =)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "here's a new one for you".
Iris given to Crowley.
High in the sky.
You are floating around high in the air above The Land, you lucky so and so. 
Crowley the cabalist is here carrying an iris.
Crowley the cabalist waves.
Crowley the cabalist waves her iris.
Crowley the cabalist chuckles.
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "The aye's have it!".
Crowley the cabalist makes some magical gestures.
A mantle of golden, glowing flame envelops Crowley the cabalist!
Crowley the cabalist says "oops".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch wonders.
High in the sky.
Crowley the cabalist is here carrying an iris.
Crowley the cabalist says "I was trying to inflame it".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "let's start at the begining".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "how did you discover mud2?".
Crowley the cabalist says "ok, first there was nothing, or maybe a micro universe
or... oh".
Crowley puts Tommy Cooper away, and apologises
Crowley the cabalist says "It was on a wireplay CD - I can't remember where I got
the CD from".
Crowley the cabalist says "I was playing".
Crowley the cabalist says "er".
Crowley the cabalist says "that Game that ripped off starship troopers".
Crowley the cabalist says "Outwars".
Crowley the cabalist says "And we tried MUD because it was free and no-one would play
Outwars with me :-p".
Crowley the cabalist says "Rosie liked the superhero thing".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "Rosie being your other half ...".
Crowley the cabalist says "Better 3/4s really".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch nods.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "who out of the two of you really got into mud2
Crowley the cabalist says "Oh me, I think. We both played but I'm a game hog, and I
think we only had one PC or one PC connected to the Internet.".
Crowley the cabalist says "I vaguely recall I eventually networked both of them".
Crowley the cabalist says "I'm a bit obsessive about games, so I would have been
hammering away at every opportunity, to her chagrin".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "was there any competitiveness between the two of
Crowley the cabalist says "Nah, I don't think so. We're different types of players
- she was much more social. Forcibly so, because everyone kept talking to her =)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "which year did you start playing?".
Crowley the cabalist says "hermmm...".
Crowley the cabalist says "hang on, let me check Muddy".
Crowley the cabalist says "November 1998".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "so it was quite busy, back then?".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "Horrendously so!".
Crowley the cabalist says "It was free and on a popular network so upwards of 30-50
players per reset in peak times".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "was that good or bad?".
Crowley the cabalist says "Hmn".
Crowley the cabalist says "Good, I'd say. Much more people meant more points, more
players, more competition.".
Crowley the cabalist says "It was hard to get ahead, but you'd have mages teaming
and such. You'd have to ask someone that wizzed then if it was easier or harder to get
Crowley the cabalist says "If only someone was around who wizzed then".
Crowley the cabalist asks "you know anyone, Karya the witch?".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch smiles.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what did you make of the players at the time? Who
particularly stands out?".
Crowley the cabalist says "What did I make of the players... um".
Crowley the cabalist says "Well, Tom stood out, since he took us in hand, showed us
around, and such.".
Crowley the cabalist says "Topcat, of course, who was an excellent player and
Crowley the cabalist says "Yourself, and Vella".
Crowley the cabalist says "Jincks was always around, and Cat was very visible".
Crowley the cabalist says "Supersonic was always around
Crowley the cabalist says "WDI of course".
Crowley the cabalist says "Not sure what I made of them. They were fun to hang around
with in the game. We had lots of team-killing fun! I mean... apking".
Crowley the cabalist says "And Supersonic killed lots of people.".
Crowley the cabalist says "I'm really going to keep on babbling away unless you
interject wiht a new question =_)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch is trying to get you too babble ...
Crowley the cabalist says "Oh bibble babble, I'm happy to do that".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what kept you coming back to the game?".
Crowley the cabalist says "Everyone changed names so often I got lost with many people
when I started".
Crowley the cabalist says "because I couldn't win".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what was winning to you?".
Crowley the cabalist says "I'm a gaming completionist - I HAVE to win. I try to
play every game through to the end, in this case making wizard".
Crowley the cabalist says "But I was fairly young, so I was all "I don't wantto be a
wizard, no way, I can't do it anyway, blah blah, I'm playing for the fun"".
Crowley the cabalist says "everyone secretly wants to be a wizard, and have a
pretty coloured prefix (but no actual responsibility)".
Crowley the cabalist says "I had a bit of an authority problem too, and a couple of fun
email rows with Richard, and a long one on".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "you'd be at odds with yourself if you made wiz
Crowley the cabalist says "Oh no, I'd only play mud to make wizard now =)".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "The time for denying is long past!".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "if winning the game is making wiz, what happens
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says " your opinion".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "That's when you promise to hang around and still be
friends with mortals, but actually administer a couple of mobile bashes then gradually
lose interest and fade away!".
Crowley the cabalist says "I'm only kiddin' :-p".
Crowley the cabalist says "Well, partly".
Crowley the cabalist says "I have to be honest that I don't have a great deal of
interest in game administration - I play mud to have fun. If I made wizard, I'd want to
do it on an active mud, and take part in that active fun side of player life. Take the
burden off Hawumph on".
Crowley the cabalist says "being the fun friendly visible side of mud".
Crowley the cabalist says "Rather than the protect-the-castle invent new stuff side
of the game".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "But really, the best thing about being wizard is the
prefix - come on, admit it! It's the main draw!".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch grins.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "do you consider this to be an active mud?".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "It's hard to consider it so, given its past
activity, but then I'm hardly one to judge, since I've barely been on the last couple of
Crowley the cabalist says "Those who stand in glass houses shouldn't spoil the
Crowley the cabalist says "no wait, those who get out of the kitchen shouldn't
throw stones".
Crowley the cabalist says "But then, when I was playing a warlock and mage, there
always seemed to be at least one other player one when I was in the land :)".
Crowley the cabalist says "And they were definitely active".
Crowley the cabalist says "(ly kicking my arse)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "how do you feel about pking?".
Crowley the cabalist says "Well, I know this will be a shock to anyone who knows
me in Mud, as I'm very reticent with my opinions no pking"..
Crowley the cabalist says "Pking is an essential part of the game, and it's
completely necessary to master the aspects of fighting to achieve anything in it".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch gasps.
Crowley the cabalist says "Having said that, I personally would never attack another
player now unless I had a fair certainty they were after me".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "how can you be certain?".
Crowley the cabalist says "which is a tricky situation because that pretty much
constitutes any other MU in the land when you're playing a warlock or above".
Crowley the cabalist says "You can't be certain of course, and if you attack someone (hi
gothik!) and they're not after you, they get upset".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "Which is why I get cross when people play under
pseudonyms and don't tell me I know them!".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch grins.
Crowley the cabalist says "So I'm all "well, tell me and then I won't attack you
Crowley the cabalist says "And your judgement of threat goes right out of the window if
you're wizrunning, which I've only done a couple of times".
Crowley the cabalist says "Because when it comes down to it, what you really want is
either an empty reset or a reset with your mage and a couple of heroes".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "maybe some people just want a quite life once in a
Karya the melancholy arch-witch tuts.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "but isn't an empty reset very dull?".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "Ha ha!".
Crowley the cabalist says "But I don't like fighting".
Crowley the cabalist says "It sends my stress-o-meter sky high".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "a non-empty reset doesn't necessarily mean
fighting though ...".
Crowley the cabalist says "The process of pushing your mage over to wizard is an
exhausting slog, so an empty reset is just one stress otu of the way".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "for example your reset with Gothik. I know nothing
about it, but sounds like he wasn't after you".
Crowley the cabalist says "Oh it was ages ago, and I can barely remember it. Actually,
come to think of it, I don't think I ever attacked him".
Crowley the cabalist says "Oh yea, he accused me of looby-looing, bless him.".
Crowley the cabalist says "It was someone else. I forget who. It makes it more difficult
when you attack a clear PK, win easily, and they try to pull the old "what did you do
that for?!" trick :)".
Crowley the cabalist asks "The process of trying to make wizard is a very selfish
one though, isn't it?".
Crowley the cabalist says "there's no room for other people in the game with you, unless
you are CERTAIN of their lack of threat".
Crowley the cabalist says "Which is very different to the way the game was when, for
example, you made witch".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch nods.
Crowley the cabalist says "Because each reset was guaranteed to have 5-6 people in
Crowley the cabalist says "So you adjusted to that".
Crowley the cabalist says "Now, each reset is guaranteed to have two people in it, and
the other person is 80% of the time trying to kill or stop your reset"..
Crowley the cabalist says "Bear in mind, I'm not complaining about this situation".
Crowley the cabalist says "I'm just stating the fact of it".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch nods.
Crowley the cabalist says "And often, their attempt to kill/stop you isn't
Crowley the cabalist says "Although it may feel it. They see it as trying to kill
you. You see it as someone trying to muck up your game ;)".
Crowley the cabalist says "er, trying to teach you".
Crowley the cabalist changes "kill" to "teach".
Crowley the cabalist asks "So, what was the question?".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "ummmm".
Crowley the cabalist says "I think pking, or rather, fighting, is essential. You need to
learn it, but you don't need to actively seek it out to make wizard, although most of
the wizards have taken that path".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch nods.
Crowley the cabalist asks "But I've been over this ground a bazillion times before :)
Shall we move on?".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what was the subject that prompted you to have
debates with Richard and those at".
Crowley the cabalist says "ohhh".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "(presuming it wasn't pking)".
Crowley the cabalist says "haha, no, it was bad game management".
Crowley the cabalist says "It's still available on their BB if you can be bothered.
I once wrote down all the post numbers".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "Hey, I still have them written down!".
Crowley the cabalist says "Basically, they thought they ran a "tight ship"".
Crowley the cabalist says "But their interpretation of the mud ruleset was that you
don't question wizards, full stop".
Crowley the cabalist says "If you question wizards, you are fodded, then banned".
Crowley the cabalist says "So the particular situation was that a brand new wizard
was talking invisibly in the tearoom, and I was trying to tease him into going visible".
Crowley the cabalist says "Tethys intervened and told me if I mentioned it again,
he was going to fod me. I, being a bolshy fellow, demanded to know why, as I was merely
talking, and not breaking any rules, at which point he banned me from the game for a
Crowley the cabalist says "I call this heavy-handed over-use of power".
Crowley the cabalist says "This spilled over onto their BB, at which point Viktor
waded in and said he would have fodded me the very first time I said "why" and had done
with it".
Crowley the cabalist says "Which in my eyes, is a) very bad game management, and b)
why the game is so empty.".
Crowley the cabalist says "To come back to wireplay, and foddy's firm but fair
jolly management was a lovely breath of fresh air".
Crowley the cabalist says "But by that point I'd soured the pool for myself, and
Richard took me wrongly in a number of emails, and ended up sending me a very long
character assassination (believing that I had asked him what he thought of me, rather
than of the management)".
Crowley the cabalist says "and that's that over-long and rather uninteresting story
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "actually that was the first time I heard that
story properly".
Crowley the cabalist says "well the argument is there for all to see".
Crowley the cabalist says "it starts at around message 1784 and ends at 1827".
Crowley the cabalist says "The richard emails I never mentioned, because I didn't really
think it was polite, and I was quite offended".
Crowley the cabalist says "But he's always been a direct fellow".
Crowley the cabalist says "with, er, strong opinions :)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "true".
Crowley the cabalist says "we've been in contact since and I've studiously not
mentioned it. He helped me out when I was a journalist a bit, so I forgive him for being
so wrong :-p".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch exclaims "ok onto something a bit lighter!".
Crowley the cabalist asks "Foddy's cloud?".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what aspect of the game do you enjoy the most?".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "Getting lots and lots of points!".
Crowley the cabalist chuckles.
Crowley the cabalist says "I'm a total point-addict. I lurve it".
Crowley the cabalist says "well, lurved it :-p".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "past tense?".
Crowley the cabalist says "Given I haven't been playing too much of late".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch nods.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "how do you prefer to get your points? treasure,
mobiles ... ?".
Crowley the cabalist says "ooh".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch 
Boddington the protector 
Viagra the superhero 
Anomander the dragonfly-slaying warrior 
Pete the sorcerer
Cenedra the sorceress
Crowley the cabalist 
Kalliss the guest 
Crowley the cabalist says "The easiest way possible, so treasure I should think.
But that's very limited. People don't realise how many points there are in little
things, like killing all the basic dwarfs".
Crowley the cabalist says "When I tried to do a solo bash I got 17k just from
killing pointless mobiles and hardly swamping any treasure - didn't even do crown,
Crowley the cabalist says "My favourite way is through little puzzles".
Crowley the cabalist says "like the love letter, the sundial".
Crowley the cabalist says "the acorn...".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch nods.
Crowley the cabalist says "Because you feel all special and important ;-p".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch grins.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what's your favourite areas of land, and why?".
Crowley the cabalist says "Although I will admit to getting the biggest rush ever
from getting points from killing people, I just don't think the process of getting there
is worth it =)".
Crowley the cabalist says "Favourite areas.".
Crowley the cabalist says "I quite like the pagoda - probably because I like the
familiarity, and the fact that I know the puzzles".
Crowley the cabalist says "The basic areas are quite fun, although I hate the area
north of the keep".
Crowley the cabalist says "I still get lost there after 7 years of playing".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch grins.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "do you make maps?".
Crowley the cabalist says "hehe, no. I got Xena to do it for me".
Crowley the cabalist says "He was a frantic mapper, and sent me all the maps he
made. I made my own map of the mausoleum and goblin realm, but that's it".
Crowley the cabalist says "all the rest are his".
Hovering before you is Eros, wearing a blindfold. 
Eros pulls his bow and shoots Crowley the cabalist!
Eros gives a satisfied smile, and flies away.
Crowley the cabalist says "are you going to fod me now? ;)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch laughs.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch exclaims "bit late for that now!".
Crowley the cabalist says "hehe =)".
Crowley the cabalist says "I liiiike, the graveyard".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "do you have a favourite single room in The Land?".
Crowley the cabalist says "I have a fondness for the sleeping rooms!
Caved-in-grave, despite its rubbishness... diamond room,of course".
Crowley the cabalist says "I really like the blue room,just because you never see it any
Crowley the cabalist says "Crypt under the church, I'm not so fond of any more
really - I don't like how you're deaf to shouting =)".
Crowley the cabalist says "trying to think of one room".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "inner sanctum? Tearoom? If it's got treasure in it,
I'm quite fond of it!".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch grins.
Crowley the cabalist says "Although obviously the only treasure in the tearoom is
the witty reparte... ahem".
 Karya the melancholy arch-witch laughs.
Crowley the cabalist says "Ok, I choose Home".
Crowley the cabalist says "because I've never been there :)".
Crowley the cabalist says "Damn, should have asked to be interviewed there".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "why did you chose to be interviewed here?".
Crowley the cabalist says "Never been here either :)".
Crowley the cabalist says "Always nice to go somewhere you've never been".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "How did you know about it?".
Crowley the cabalist says "One of the articles in muddled times said that if you
follow a bird around for long enough you'll end up here =)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "ahhhh".
Crowley the cabalist says "Isn't there a gallery over the goblin cave too? Not been
there either".
Crowley the cabalist says "I don't even know how to get there".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "maybe next time then".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "so, the Land Design competition ...".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what did you think of the idea behind the
Crowley the cabalist says "Nice idea! Should have been done years ago with a full player
population to explore and exploit the new areas! :)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "and for those who don't realise, congratulations
on being one of the winners".
Crowley the cabalist says "I think my name next to the beached whale was the clue".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "not everyone reads all the articles in Muddled
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "what a bunch of losers!".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch nods.
Crowley the cabalist grins.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what did you think of your co-winner's entries?".
Crowley the cabalist says "um".
Crowley the cabalist says "well, I was a bit disappointed, I have to be honest.
Although perhaps I just misunderstood the remit of the competition".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "disappointed in what way?".
Crowley the cabalist says "I felt they lacked the creative spark a little - they were
really just extensions of existing areas"..
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "but that was really the idea of the competition
Crowley the cabalist says "Yes, I realised that when I saw all the other areas".
Crowley the cabalist says "I was hoping for lots of new exciting places :)".
Crowley the cabalist says "which is why mine met with some resistance, I guess".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "you know, you should reconsider the creating
quests option when you make wiz".
Crowley the cabalist says "heh. It took me ages to come up with one. And I stole it
from The Brothers Grimm and Disney".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch smiles.
Crowley the cabalist says "I have a terrible imagination".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "well, you never know, there may well be a new
quest as a result of the competition".
Crowley the cabalist asks "That would be nice. How popular do you think quests are?".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "this isn't my interview".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "how popular do YOU think quests are?".
Crowley the cabalist says "I have to admit, if a quest is running, given that I
prize my characters quite highly, and I generally only have one decent-level character
running, I tend to not play them".
Crowley the cabalist says "But as I said, I'm just me, and I haven't been around".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "what about events, such as sorcerer wars,
scavenger hunts and so on".
Crowley the cabalist says "I know there's quite a lot of frustration in the wizroom
in the lack of appreciation that goes into the effort that it takes to make quests run".
*Crowley the cabalist says "sec, Rosie is demanding a cup of tea. I must obey! gimme
3 mins".
[3.3 minutes later ...]
Crowley the cabalist says "helloo".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch exclaims "oh! you're back!".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "ok speaking of Rosie ...".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what was it like to be playing the same game as
your other half?".
Crowley the cabalist says "Very annoying for her, I think ;)".
Crowley the cabalist says "It's nice to have the other persom understand what
you're on about".
Crowley the cabalist says "Otherwise I'd just be blathering on and she'd be
completely bored. As opposed to at least understanding what I'm talking about... still
bored, but comprehending=)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "if there was one thing that you could change about
mud2, what would it be?".
Crowley the cabalist says "more players".
Crowley the cabalist asks "Oh, I never answered your question on bashes and sorc wars
and stuff, did I?".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what do you consider the critical number to be?".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "oh yes ...".
Crowley the cabalist says "At least 20-30 regularly playing - at least once a week".
Crowley the cabalist says "The answer is I hate them! But only because I know that
if I play them I'm going to be desperate beyond any amount of reasonableness to win
them, and if I don't, I'll be desperately depressed. So I go completely all-out to win.
I'm still bitter about".
Crowley the cabalist says "coming third to WDI and GDN years ago, because Sk1 was
in foddy's pocket when he picked me up, and it knocked 60 stam off me before I got
dumped on dragon island :-p".
Crowley the cabalist says "Seriously: I'm stupidly competitive".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch exclaims "I'd never have guessed!".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "So when I play them, I like to win, but I don't
particularly enjoy that aspect of my personality!".
Crowley the cabalist says "So when I see an event, I get very antsy because I'll
have to commit myself to possibly not winning :-p".
Crowley the cabalist says "Wow, I'm really not doing myself any PR favours with
this interview, am I? :)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch grins.
Crowley the cabalist says "Crowley: total arrogant goit".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "are there any other subjects that you would like
to cover?".
Crowley the cabalist says "At least Gothik will enjoy it:)".
In the distance, you hear the terrible RHOAAAUUUAURRRRGGGGGGHGHHHGHHHH of a dragon
Anomander the dragon-slaying hero whoops.
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "I don't know. I feel the need to defend myself
really, since I've given a ... rather odd view of myself in this interview, I think!".
Crowley the cabalist says "I like many of the people in the game, and frequently am
happy to just sit and chat to them - more often than not".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "But I don't think that's the game really, that's a
chatroom at the front of it!".
Crowley the cabalist says "sorry, I'm a little disorientated by the tells I was
being sent".
Crowley the cabalist says "um".
Crowley the cabalist eyes you.
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "Any thoughts? Not quite sure where I've gone with the
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "oh, I thought you were gathering yourself
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "when you make wiz ...".
Crowley the cabalist says "right, er... I'm still lost though :)".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what will you be able to offer the game?".
Crowley the cabalist says "when, haha".
Crowley the cabalist asks "If I ever made wizard, I'd want to be a friendly face -
mortal support! A helping hand in a hostile universe?".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "I have to be honest, I've pretty much given up on
making wizard! It's all a bit stressful!".
Crowley the cabalist says "I wrote an article in muddled times about what it takes
to make wizard".
 Karya the melancholy arch-witch nods.
Crowley the cabalist says "And I think I lack the 4th component - you have to want it
enough to put yourself through the wringer".
Crowley the cabalist says "I'm a little depressed about how serious this interview has
been! You must have caught me on a down night! :-p".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch exclaims "let's end on an up!".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch thinks.
Crowley the cabalist says "Let's talk about Hawumph,a nd how great he is in bed".
Crowley the cabalist says "Seriously, what a man".
 Karya the melancholy arch-witch nods, sagely
Crowley the cabalist grins, evilly
Crowley the cabalist coughs.
Crowley changes the subject hurridly
Karya the melancholy arch-witch exclaims "mudmeets!".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "what do you think of them?".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "I like them very much!".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "I really enjoyed the ones I went to. Sadly, now we've
spawned, it's a little more difficult to attend :) No convenient childcare, so it'd be
an afternoon max!".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "have you made real life friends through mud2 and
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "A downside to both playing a game, you might say!".
Crowley the cabalist says "I'd like to think so, although we've lost contact with
most of the best friends. We went to stay with Tom and Ciara a couple of times, but they
drifted away into Everquest. Topcat was a good friend, but he moved to Germany and
dropped off the Internet".
Crowley the cabalist says "It's hard to be friends with wizards, because the
barrier of secrecy comes between you.".
Crowley the cabalist says "We're more acquaintances with the players that are left,
really. I'm trying to think of any that we're still in contact with".
Crowley the cabalist says "We were very fond of guybrush, but again, lost contact".
Crowley the cabalist says "I texted Wdi a couple of times, but he's off being
academic and important ;-)".
Crowley the cabalist says "Treehugger seems a nice chap, but the anonymity of mud
frequently prevents you from forming lasting friendships".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch nods.
Crowley is rubbish at making friends :)
Crowley the cabalist says "Quite good friends with Brisa, but we've only met once years
ago :)".
Crowley the cabalist says "Geography is something of a problem, and I don't use IM
software very much, and am terrible at replying to emails".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch nods.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch asks "Do you have any final comments before wrapping
Crowley the cabalist asks "Joey for wiz?".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch laughs.
Crowley the cabalist says "I really feel that this time he could do it".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch smiles.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "some may say the same for you".
Crowley the cabalist snorts.
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "anyway ...".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch says "thanks for letting me interview you".
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "You just like watching me get a spanking!".
 Karya the melancholy arch-witch laughs.
Crowley the cabalist exclaims "No problem, any time :-) Loving the Muddled Times
work - gets better and better!".
Karya the melancholy arch-witch chuckles.
Crowley the cabalist says "Glad you didn't give it up ;)".

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