Muddled Times
Issue:Issue 7, December 2000

Dear Seamus

I'd like to set a few facts straight about my level of inebriation at the April Mudmeet. Your article stated that I arrived "2 hours early for the meet, drinking beer like there was a shortage of fuel happily wearing an "I am 3" badge and then almost falling into your pint at 6pm.".

This isn't true. I arrived 2 and a half hrs early due to a bad maths and...the trains...yeah. I'm very worried about the I am 3 badge. I do own such a badge but to be honest I don't think I wore it to the meet although I don't remember a lot about the meet, due to a "medical" problem. I also think you will find comparing my picture with that of Maniac's, you will find that he was in fact more drunk than me.

As for me and Serenety...I haven't been on mud for a fair while, I can but guess that my loved one has remained faithful to me and hasn't ran off with Dclxvi in his CC...she always preferred to "ride" in my "sampan"..if you get my fact you could say.....I have gone off the point.

Cya all 2 hrs b4 the next meet

Your friend

Mankoid-King of Wales.

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