Issue: | Issue 26, March 2004 |
Section: | Charts |
Top 100, Dead or Alive
This chart shows the top 100 mortals who have played over the last three
months (1st December 2003 - 29th February 2004).
The top 100 represents the highest score that each individual player
achieved at any point in time during the last three months, regardless
of whether they have died later. You also get to see the players' level
(and even prefix) at the time they reached their highest score.
Interesting facts for this issue:
- Both Jay and Philtaylor made wiz with these personae.
- The silliest name goes to Effeleven at 82.
- Archangel appears to have a target painted on his back when he had his highest score ... does this mean someone hit it?
I hope you enjoyed this issue's charts!
Top 100 Mortals, October/November 2004
1 | Jay the mage |
2 | Philtaylor the mage |
3 | Disco the dragon-slaying mage |
4 | Sabretooth the dragon-slaying mage |
5 | Thwomp the mage |
6 | Englebert the mage |
7 | Strobe the mage |
8 | Agony the mage |
9 | Tempest the mage |
10 | Archangel the mage [target] |
11 | Eowyn the mage |
12 | Scoobydoo the mage |
13 | Sassenach the mage |
14 | Xcaliber the dragon-slaying mage |
15 | Crispian the mage |
16 | Flick the mage |
17 | Automatica the mage |
18 | Jincks the mage |
19 | Maxmage the mage |
20 | Sir Pacman |
21 | Firedemon the mage |
22 | Otoo the mage |
23 | Mogadon the mage |
24 | Aidon the mage |
25 | Strider the mage |
26 | Papercut the mage |
27 | Moondancer the mage |
28 | Boddington the dragonfly-slaying minstrel |
29 | Gilgamesh the patriarch |
30 | Caryss the matriarch |
31 | Seamus the warlock |
32 | Umbongo the warlock |
33 | Silly the warlock |
34 | Vengeance the dragon-slaying legend |
35 | Jaja the warlock |
36 | Arthas the dragonfly-slaying warlock |
37 | Footpad the warlock |
38 | Oitribble the doomed warlock |
39 | Laura the warlock |
40 | Dominus the warlock |
41 | Talega the dragon-slaying warlock |
42 | Starvnmarv the warlock |
43 | Carl the warlock |
44 | Sin the warlock |
45 | Nemesis the warlock |
46 | Uruk the warlock |
47 | Tvr the warlock |
48 | Yokogeri the warlock |
49 | Risca the warlock |
50 | Bek the warlock |
51 | Angelus the warlock |
52 | Jodrell the warlock |
53 | Sdrawkcab the warlock |
54 | Cucullain the warlock |
55 | Talker the warlock |
56 | Properson the legend |
57 | Null the warlock |
58 | Hulahoop the warlock |
59 | Drunkmunky the warlock |
60 | Zagaroth the warlock |
61 | Art the warlock |
62 | Serenety the warlock |
63 | Filth the dragon-slaying warlock |
64 | Preciousss the dragonfly-slaying warlock of the ring |
65 | Vertigo the warlock |
66 | Zalagar the warlock |
67 | Satan the warlock |
68 | Duffman the warlock |
69 | Nickolai the warlock |
70 | Cenedra the matriarch |
71 | Frampton the warlock |
72 | Elemental the warlock |
73 | Crowley the warlock |
74 | Quincy the doomed legend |
75 | Sanguinius the warlock |
76 | Ladera the warlock |
77 | Heiach the warlock |
78 | Angel the warlock |
79 | Abbas the warlock |
80 | Tribble the doomed warlock |
81 | Jodrel the legend |
82 | Effeleven the wizrunning legend who uses no macros. |
83 | Che the dragonfly-slaying warlock |
84 | Reverse the warlock |
85 | Revenger the warlock |
86 | Apeomancer the surrealist warlock |
87 | Revan the warlock |
88 | Gti the warlock |
89 | Albarry the warlock |
90 | Bigphil the warlock |
91 | Gemz the warlock |
92 | Vampnight the warlock |
93 | Timmy the warlock |
94 | Wayzgoose the matriarch |
95 | Indigo the festive warlock |
96 | Monty the warlock |
97 | Fate the legend |
98 | Gehenna the warlock |
99 | Pppp the warlock |
100 | Ohno the warlock |
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