Muddled Times
Issue:Issue 21, April 2003
Section:News & Gossip

Crazyfool's Column

Hello fellow mudders. It is I, Crazyfool. Here to wipe the tears from Foddys soft face and use them to power small windmills all over southern Mongolia. These windmills will make bread to feed the wizards when they are hungry. Yet again I have not been back to MUD but I shall do very very soon. Hopefully.

Billygoat's event. Well. There's a rather interesting story here but I'm afraid it isn't a concise account of events, rather an excuse. You see, Billygoat texted me to inform me about his event while I was in the pub, a rarity in itself so I downed my half pint of stout and headed home. However on the way I lost my memory, started laughing insanely and well, it all went wrong. So I'm sorry to you Billygoat because in return for this disgrace, Azrael, Dr Bartle and even Reverence have agreed to have their left legs amputated so you can build a small shed out of them. We got this statement from Billygoat:

"Well, I do need a shed to keep the hundreds of false teeth I collect. Mum doesn't want them blocking the stairs anymore ... as for the Catheters ..."

What can I say? Anyway as the bombs drop in Iraq, Karya's own war with Muddled Times rival, Mudded Times. Run by Joey, it holds a lot less in the way of newbie help and actual mud information but does have a massive porn suppository. I originally suggested this to Suzy but I was told to leave and Karya ... well. Anyway, Joey's site offers porn from almost every genre including Straight, Ebony, and Billygoats favourite Ampu Love. He likes it when they can't fight back. Sick man.

Turrican is starting a new MUD. It will simply be called, "Your no good Mud". The rhyming slang and lack of any balance between players and of course the use of a swastika as a logo are all old trademarks of old Turrican. The mud will have three rooms; two off limits to anyone except Azrael and one room filled with Turricans autobiography, "Life after Bartle" a guide to arousing the creator of Mud2.

This column is getting to risqué. I'll try and write something that HAS actually happened for next time.

I said I'd try.

Crazyfool - One-legged, one-armed sex machine

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