Muddled Times
Issue:Issue 13, December 2001

The Wiz Vs Mortal Sorcerer War!

The wiz vs mortal sorcerer wars started in August 1999 where the mortals won, the fact that the war consisted of 30 odd mortals against 7 wizzes had nothing to do with it ... This event was followed up by another sorcerer war in November of the same year. This time it was a bit fairer, 10 mortals against 7 wizzes I believe. The wizzes won this time, with no losses to the other side (3 died, 1 to an attempted FOD, 1 to the touchstone, and 1 who had to leave early).

So the scene is set for the third sorcerer war. One each so far, who would win this event?

The event started off rather disproportionally, We had 5 on our side, the mortal team were only supposed to have a maximum of 8, but there were 9 of them! Someone was removed from the team, but Seamus later told me that someone played who wasn't supposed to be there! I worked out it must have been Angeleyes playing as Maraschino. I don't think she quite appreciated that people had been voting for who they wanted to represent them ...

Who was actually playing? This is how the 2 teams looked:

The Mortal Team

The Wiz Team

Maraschino Angeleyes            Wizzey Azrael
Gilgamesh Art Wizzee Foddy
Bytmewiz Benny Wizzie Karya
Djgod Djgod Wizee Reverence
Merlin Heiach Wizzy Turrican
Bubba Kurupt
Sabretooth Sabretooth
Jeggburt Seamus

And so the event began, we left the Tearoom and started kitting up (yes, I was the one with the pot0 and later bag filled with assorted bits and bobs - we had a snoop on your team and knew you were after it!). Sabretooth very quickly fell prey to us dying in the Ladder Shaft where he mistakenly believed himself to be safe. After kitting up we re-grouped in the Alpine Cottage. We were visted frequently by Jeggburt and Gilgamesh but they didn't want to stay for coffee! Bytmewiz eventually made his way to us too, having been spotted near the vicinity several times but we believe him to have got lost before he found our front door! After one failed steal attempt on my bag he left the game! He was later heard to claim that he was bored at the time which is why he left! How anyone could be bored at a time like that I don't know! Personally we think he was running scared ...

Despite the brave tactis of Jeggburt and Gilgamesh we killed Jeggburt after we moved home to the Music Temple. Unbeknown to us, after Bytmewiz left the war he requested that someone be put in his place (hmm perhaps next time I should make it clear that if you leave a sorcerer war that's it, you can't re-enter and you certainly can't put anyone in your place!), and that someone happened to be Sabretooth who we had already killed! Sabretooth evidently hadn't had enough of being killed once so we promptly summoned him and finished him off a second time!

Depsite a slight hitch where a bug in the game caused several of the mortal team to die prematurely (but they were all let back into the war on full stamina!) it all went rather smoothly after that. We picked off each of the mortal team one at a time, we cornered Maraschino in the Cave of Stars and then we were down to 1 - Bubba!

He was sighed near the rapids, off we trouped only to hear a bell toll! The man had stolen our last kill! But did that matter? No! We had won, and not only that, but we had NO fatalities!

The final obit looked something like this:

The following players have died in fights this reset:
 Bubba the spellbinder (team 2), killed by the man,
 Maraschino the spellbinder (team 2), killed by Wizzee the sorceress (team 1),
Wizzey the sorcerer (team 1) and Wizzy the sorcerer (team 1),
 Djgod the spellbinder (team 2), killed by Wizzey the sorcerer (team 1),
 Merlin the enchanter (team 2), killed by Wizee the sorcerer (team 1),
 Sabretooth the spellbinder (team 2), killed by Wizzie the sorceress (team 1),
Wizzy the sorcerer (team 1) and Wizzee the sorceress (team 1),
 Jeggburt the enchanter (team 2), killed by Wizzey the sorcerer (team 1),
 Sabretooth the spellbinder (team 2), killed by Wizzey the sorcerer (team 1).

Many thanks to Seamus for organising the mortal team and to Umbrarg for keeping us all under control!

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