Muddled Times
Issue:Issue 8, February 2001

My Story

(click here to read chapters 1 & 2)

Chapter 3

Plink. Plink.

There before me was a huge stone statue, standing tall and looking out into the distance. The stone pulsated a weird blue colour and started melting before my feet. I immediately thought of a windowpane, shaped oddly like a woman I had never seen in my life yet was as familiar to me as my late mother, Jincks. Turning around, I saw a small hairy red monkey chattering at me on top of a wooden signpost. I listened closely and could make out nothing but nonsense. The monkey smiled and said "Opsgruieux". I was suddenly violently ill before everything turned black.

Plink. Plink.

As I came to I thought about what had happened, playing back the events in my mind slowly. I was calm - surprisingly so considering I had just survived a fight with a dragon. A dragon. Creatures of myth and legend, it had always been thought, up until now that is. Of course, everyone was dead now. Died in the inn due to a terrible fire brought on by the hideous beast.

Plink. Plink.

It was then I realised that I was no longer outside. No longer near the charred remains of all my kin, and the swollen river and the beast. I opened my eyes slowly and cautiously, half expecting to see a terrible red dragon there before me. I saw only a beautiful and vivid ceiling made out of thousands of tiny pieces of stone.

Plink. Plink.

Rising to my elbows, I scanned my surroundings carefully, letting my eyes drift into focus. I was in some sort of bedroom - a very plush one at that. I was lying on a huge double bed, with a dresser next to me, with a burnt out candle and a bowl of dark-coloured liquid. I was also naked except for a woolen vest and some underpants. Puzzled, I tried to stand up slowly, swinging my legs off the bed and putting my weight on them gingerly. My head swam with dizziness and I slumped to the mattress again.

Plink. Plink.

"Well, well," came a voice from behind me "What an exciting past few days you've been having".

I really couldn't be bothered turning to look and just closed my eyes, which eased the dizziness somewhat. "Hmm, still drowsy eh? That sleep spell I cast must have done the trick". The voice chuckled to itself and I heard soft footsteps padding around the room and stopped near my bed. I opened one eye and looked at the voice. I let out an audible groan and shut it again.

"Hmm that's no way to treat the person who saved your life, is it?" the voice chuckled.

I croaked back a reply "You're not a person, you're a wizard."

The voice laughed, a bright and sparkling laugh that brought a smile to my face. The smile hurt.

"I was once a person though. I do remember what pain is like, although I must admit I've never been given a burn like that big ugly instant suntan machine you fought". The voice giggled. "Here drink this, it'll do you some good."

Plink. Plink.

I raised myself to my elbows again and opened my eyes and looked straight at the wizard. This one wasn't like Umbrarg. The robes were a bit more faded in parts, although still pure white. As was the beard and the eyebrows. The wizard in front of me didn't really suit his dark blue plaits in his beard, I thought. But then, who would? I couldn't make out if it was natural or dyed. At any rate, he was holding out a small mug of steaming liquid.

"Drink!" he exclaimed with a grin that shone like sunrise "I can force you if I have to!"

I accepted the mug gladly and gulped the contents down my parched mouth. It was warm, and sweet, and I felt a surge of soothing energy run through my body.

"Thanks" I managed after downing the contents in one go, which produced another laugh from the mysterious wizard. "I don't know your name."

"Hmm, no you don't." the wizard remarked. "All in good time - rest now - by time the weather clears up, my housemate will be back, and we can discuss….certain matters".

With that, the wizard brushed down his robes, peered in the mirror on the dresser and then gave me a wink. I glanced at the window, where raindrops were dripping from above on to the windowpane with a plink. The sky was still grey and overcast, but the storm had passed.

"But I'm fine, I don't need rest." I said, to which the wizard shrugged and said "Sleep".

***** ***** *****

"So what do you think then, Gandalf?" came a disembodied voice floating into my dreams. It seemed worried.

"Think of what?" came another. It was impatient and slightly heated.

"Well of him, and the fight. Was it co-incidence?"

"Who knows? It's times like this I wish I had stayed in touch with the other chaps - we never get told nothing now."

There was a tired sigh.

"You're right. Someone would have been here by now if there was any trouble I suppose," the voice was hopeful.

"Yes," the other agreed, more confident now. "We must make this choice on our own, for better or for worse."

"It's not marriage," giggled the second voice. There was a muted chuckle from both and then the seriousness returned. "What about the scar on his face?"

"Touchstone. Definitely. No question. I can sense the magic, deep within him."

"But, look at it - this scar is at least 15 years old."

"I um, noticed that too - this was one lucky child." There was a quiver in the voice.

"And the dragon?"

"Connected to him somehow. We must force them together and note the results. If things get out of hand Foddy would back us up - he always did."

"The key word is did. Things are different now."

"We cannot interfere directly!" the tone rose slightly.

"I know, brother."

There was a pause, and I felt slight feeling return to my body. I tried to move, still half in slumber.

"He's waking up - he resists magic extraordinarily well."

"Yes ... I'll recast it." I felt a hand brush against my forehead "Sleep".

I drifted downwards, spiralling faster and faster. I heard the first one speak slowly.

"I think that maybe we should ... contact Karya."

Then, nothing.

***** ***** *****

The smell of cooked food awoke me this time, and I sprang out of bed and strolled to the window. All dizziness and pain was gone, except a slight throbbing in my hands. I looked down a saw them blistered from the dragon's breath. Even wizards have limits too, I guessed.

The view was spectacular. Grassy fields and a tall stone building like a castle in the distance, and forests all around. I noticed a tall spire over the fields and guessed at a church of some sort. The sun illuminated all this, and I felt peaceful. This was an excellent spot for a house.

"Breakfast is served!" came a cheerful voice from outside the wooden door of the bedroom "Hurry up, young man, or it will get cold!"

Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I checked my face in the mirror. It was a golden brown - that wizard had certainly been astute about the dragon being a suntan machine. Yawning softly, I opened the door and stepped into a cool hallway, with lush paintings on the walls. I looked briefly at each one as I walked past and towards a wooden staircase. It went up as well as down, although it was impossible to say what was up there. The darkness was impenetrable. I muttered a simple glow spell to illuminate the staircase. Nothing happened. I have exhausted myself, that's all, although I got a nagging feeling, which I promptly ignored.

At the bottom of the stairs, I could smell the cooking a little more, the enriching aroma making me aware of just how hungry I actually was. I let my nose guide me through the large house, and ended up at the door of a large kitchen. There were shelves on two sides of the room, and a large iron stove set against the third wall, complimented by a sink and silver taps. A door on the other wall led out of the house.

There was a tall dark haired figure pottering about, wearing a small white apron over dark and imposing robes. The man was humming a pleasant tune. A smile on my face, I couldn't help noticing the snow white beard that hung all the way to the man's stomach. This man was a wizard, although not the one I had saw yesterday.

"Good morning!" the man chirped, "I suppose you'll be wanting breakfast? Sit down and give me a second." He looked up at me for the first time, and I noticed he had a small scar on his chin.

I nodded vigorously and sat down on a chair that hadn't been there a few seconds ago. Leaning my hands on the new table (it came with the chair), I sighed. "To be honest, I can't remember when I last ate."

"It must have been four days ago, when you left your cottage to see the storm approach." he replied, giving me a piercing look. I gasped.

"Four? I recollect only two! Assuming the dragon attacked last night that is."

The wizard shoved a plate in front of me, with two fried eggs and three rashers of bacon on it. Some silver cutlery appeared before my very eyes on the table, with the initials F B on them. "Eat up, and I'll explain. I cooked all that you know". He beamed proudly and pointed to his apron. I could see the words "I am the cook" in large white writing, covered by food stains and God knows what else.

I tried to eat slowly, but was almost ravenous with hunger and gobbled the food down. The wizard smiled and started to talk. I noticed with glee that for every egg and rasher of bacon I ate, another one appeared.

"Okay, me and my colleague over there," the man nodded towards the door where the wizard I had seen yesterday was standing, leaning and basking in the sunlight. I hadn't noticed him before. "We were ... um, observing you with interest young fellow. You seemed more ... hasty ... than the other mortals around. Then when you entered old Seamus' Inn, I couldn't believe my ears. A dragon of all things. A beast of tremendous wonder and beauty."

I stopped eating.

"Beauty?" I asked cautiously, looking at the wizard by the door who was listening to his friend intently.

"Yes, surely you noticed it. Even though it is an evil monster, it is a beautiful creation. Fearsome, and powerful."

I found myself nodding, it was beautiful in a sick sort of way. A terrible and evil beauty. I popped a sausage into my mouth. I noticed a slice of black pudding on my plate now as well. This breakfast was perfect.

"Anyway, after you came out with the sword ..."

"My sword!" I interrupted. I had totally forgotten about it. "My sword ..."

"... is fine." Intoned the wizard by the door. "Actually, it is better than fine, although we shall come to that later." He motioned to the apron-clad wizard to continue.

"Anyway after we saw the sword we knew what was to come - the wielder of that sword is drawn to any close dragons, and is compelled to fight them to the death. To be honest I was impressed with the way you handled yourself, however foolish attacking a dragon may have been." There was a chuckle from the wizard by the door.

"We saw it was about to kill you, and formed a protection spell around you. It is a complex one, as are all the wizards' spells, but basically it meant that you couldn't be killed by any means at all. We then brought you back here and my friend has nursed you back to health for the past few days."

The other wizard bowed low. "Gandalf the White Wizard, at your service young man". I flushed with pleasure, and shoved some mushrooms in my mouth from the plate.

"And you are?" I asked in between mouthfuls to the other wizard, who was regarding the plate curiously.

"Wel,l um let's see now. Well, when I was mortal I was a killer, but becoming a wizard sort of changes your outlook on things. I suppose you could describe me as ... um ... Gandalf?" he looked to his friend for help.

"Vicious?" Gandalf offered.

"Um, no, well I wasn't really thinking of that to be honest." He answered, scowling playfully. I decided to step in.

"It doesn't matter. To me you shall be known as the finest chef in all the land!". The wizard blushed the colour of his dark robes. Gandalf laughed and added "In that case, he is Fruitbat the Tasty Wizard of Cooking".

The other wizard smiled and whispered "But you can call me Fruitbat."

Of course, the smiles disappeared at my next question.

"Who is Karya?"

Chapter 4

Gandalf shot a quick glance at Fruitbat, who nodded ever so slightly and turned back to finish off the dishes that had just appeared in the sink, which was now full of soapy water.

"Young one, it is time to learn of the Immortals."

The very kitchen around me suddenly blurred and merged together, colours colliding and entwining until it was clear once more, only very different. It was nighttime, cloudy with a ferocious wind howling around me. I was on a jagged cliff edge, looking down upon what seemed to be a huge bonfire. A voice whispered softly "Watch young one." It was Gandalf, who was standing on the left of me. "Watch very carefully." I turned to my right and saw Fruitbat, his beard flapping wildly in the wind, completely absorbed in what was happening below.

Around the bonfire were twenty or so shadowy figures, dressed in dark green robes with cowls. I couldn't make out their faces. I couldn't even guess man from woman. They were silent; waiting. The bonfire suddenly burst up with a hiss, causing a few of the people to step back, startled. A figure dressed all in white suddenly materialised before them, standing amidst the flames.

"Richard ... " I whispered, knowing the figure without realising it. Gandalf nodded, not taking his eyes off the amazing scene for a single moment.

Richard started to speak to the gathering, and I strained to hear the words, but Gandalf's hushed tones interrupted them.

"This my boy, was the day men were given true power. Wizards and Witches were made from the wisest and most powerful mages in all the land. Their task to watch over and guard the lands inhabitants, protecting them for eternity. Thus bringing an end to chaos - balance and order restored. "

I nearly fell to my knees at the gravity of the situation, but a firm hand grasped my arm and kept me standing. I let out an almost inaudible gasp of pain, and terror ran through my entire body when the figure in the bonfire turned his head and stared directly at me. At ME.

A second hand was immediately clamped over my mouth, and the figure slowly turned back to his original audience, who all appeared not to notice.

"... and with this I bestow upon you the powers that no mortal has ever experienced. I trust you will not disappoint me."

As Richard finished speaking, a bright light emitted from the bonfire, stretching out and touching the robed figures, lighting their hooded faces. The light even reached us, and I was forced to squint to see. The light changed from a brilliant white to nothing almost instantly. The clearing was empty, and the bonfire was burning softly in the darkness.

***** ***** *****

"And so after that, the immortals left to go their various ways, meeting once every few centuries to discuss important matters. As with every family. there were bitter rivalries between us, and bonds were formed within the brethren over the years. We trust only a few implicitly." Fruitbat finished slowly. I was back in the sunny kitchen, leaning against the stove trying to take everything in. I had just seen the creation of the immortals. Gandalf stressed that no mortal had ever witnessed that, nor ever will.

"But he saw me." I insisted, wondering what it meant that Richard had looked up at me.

"No, he saw us young one, "explained Gandalf with a wry smile "Why would he pay attention to a mortal?" I wasn't convinced, but changed the subject quickly after a stern look from Fruitbat.

"This doesn't explain Karya though."

Sighing, Gandalf teleported us into some sort of plush sitting room and gazed out of a large window at the mountains far to the west, their peaks shrouded in mist. "Karya was one of the few witches that remained in contact with the group - remember I said that bonds were formed young one".

I nodded, and wondered exactly what type of bond was formed between the two of them, noticing Gandalf flush slightly. The wizard shot me an uncomfortable look that all but confirmed my thoughts.

"Ahem anyway, " Fruitbat continued "Centuries past without trouble - life was peaceful. Then there was Boggy, a human wizard who was jealous of the arch wizards power. Until then he had lain dormant, but suddenly he started attacking other immortals, and was punished by Richard severely, although no one knew how. We never heard from him again." He paused, reflecting. Gandalf took up the story.

"After the incident me and Fruitbat decided to take up residence in this old villa - a lot of the immortals disagreed, saying it was dangerous and foolhardy to live in mortal lands. They all had fancy castles in the sky and islands and such like. Karya was the only other immortal to live down here too."

I had visions of an old scraggly woman in dirty robes with warts on their noses and black cats and broomsticks, living in a damp oppressive cave.

"Not even close." grinned Fruitbat from the other side of the room. He was now throwing small darts into a round wooden board with a target on. I noticed his aim was perfect. He hit the same spot every time with a small thud, and I doubted it was magic causing it "Much the opposite in fact."

"Anyway Karya is an expert on magical artifacts. Like that sword of yours for instance."

I had completely forgotten about my sword, the one Sharack had given me when the dragon attacked the inn. Dragonsbane he called it. I looked questioningly at Gandalf, who now held the dull weapon across his hands. The blade was jagged and rough, where it had been smooth and glittering before.

"A side effect of the dragon's flames we think. It is now stronger, and sharper than it was before, for some reason." Fruitbat noted, continuing with the rhythmic throwing of the darts.

"It is a powerful artifact you know. In fact the only thing we can surmise about it is the connection to the dragon, and it's ability to be near it's master whenever needed." He offered to me, and I reached out slowly and grasped the hilt.

I felt the dragon's presence as soon as I touched the sword - it was near, although not in close proximity. Again, I felt stronger and more confident of my abilities, although I somehow resisted the terrible urge to rush off and slay the best. Somehow it didn't feel right.

"It's ... hurt, and ... and angry," I stuttered, not used to the sensation.

"It's afraid, you mean." Fruitbat pointed out from behind me, the thuds not ceasing.

"I don't know, but it's looking for something. It's angry and is ..."

"Probe further" interrupted Gandalf', his voice unusually sharp. "Concentrate." The thuds had stopped, and Fruitbat came closer. I could feel their power, willing me to focus. I thought of nothing but the sword, and the dragon. I focused and felt a power deep inside of me electrifying my veins and heightening my senses.

"It wants ... it's after ... revenge." I managed, in between gasps of effort. Even with the two wizards helping, it was still proving tough to concentrate.

"It's ... not as it should be. It's not right."

"What do you mean?" snapped Gandalf. "Explain further."

"It is a ... he ... really ... not like a drag ... it ... changed." I frowned, beads of sweat running down my forehead. I was losing my grip on the sword, falling to the floor, which opened up and embraced me warmly, gathering me to sleep. I was truly forcing the words out. Shaking my head furiously, I knew the dragon was aware of me in it's mind.

"Karya ... danger ... revenge.

Mortals ... not ... he ... wants ... true ... power ..."

And then I knew. The truth hit me like a streak of lightning, burning the answer into my very soul. I closed my eyes, and with a scream threw the sword as far away from me as possible. Pain ran up my arms into my body as the blade left my hand and glided almost effortlessly into the very centre of Fruitbat's target board, smashing the darts and the board in one, sending pieces of wood flying about the room. I sunk into the floor with a whimper, and as I felt strong hands picking me up, I relaxed, deep into a cool cloak of blackness - rescuing me from all pain and torment.

I now knew why the dragon was here. I now knew why it attacked the inn and let me escape. I now knew its motives. The two kind wizards couldn't have stopped it killing me if it wanted to.

It wasn't me it was after.

It was them.

To be continued ...

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