Muddled Times
Issue:Issue 23, August 2003
Section:Game Information

Teneighty's Fighting Guide For Only The Very Best

A step-by-step guide to fighting like a god (me):

One: Assume everyone in The Land is your friend. Trust them with your life. If they tell you they will not attack you on very low stamina at the touchstone, believe them.

Two: If you do find yourself attacked after following the above advice do not immediately flee as might come naturally. Instead use your fight to establish what kit your foe has by trying to steal from him. You never know, if one of these is stolen from your invisible attacker, he may panic and flee himself.

Three: Being on low stamina is not necessarily a bad thing. For one, zombies seem to block you less. Therefore running around trying to collect any remaining kit after fleeing is a good idea. Do not let stamina get in the way of collecting your key53.

Four: If your foe has the amulet, repeatedly attempting to blind him will wear down the amulet. Once you are below 10 in magic, the amulet will be at its lowest resistance, so this is the perfect time to attack.

Five: Similarly, if your opponent has the ring6, this can be counteracted by spamming magic spells at him.

Six: Whether at necromancer, warlock or mage, spamming sleep spells is often the key to victory. A sleep spell is the most effective spell available, apart from FOD, and always works three times better on your enemy than yourself.

Seven: If you are summoned to a locked room do not panic, instead attempt to steal your invisible attacker's container until on 5 stamina. Once this low, it is advisable to flee, but only after another few cleverly timed steals.

Eight: If your opponent loses their magic you are invincible. Stop at nothing to steal anything they may have and ignore any damage they appear to inflict on you.

Nine: Any tactic you decide to employ will only work if repeated endlessly. Spam confuses your opponent and the command you are repeating will work eventually if tried enough.

Ten: Failure is not an option. Once you have fled and quit (which you should aim never to do) enter as quickly as possible and go about letting everyone know you are back and about to kick ass. Ego can go a long way.

[Copyright Jen Dolan]

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