Muddled Times
Issue:Issue 13, December 2001

An Overview Of The Land

Part 2

Again we follow our intrepid hero Funaki on his calamitous journey through and around the land. Today he is stumbling through the cottage in a vain search for points. But what is this? He has found the longsword!

"Yes! The longsword! Finally I can get to Champion!"
Stumbling away, pleased with his find, our friend makes his way towards the swamp.

"Aha! The banshee! A likely target!"

He advances towards the banshee wielding the blade in a wide arc when...the banshee let out an ear-curdling scream! Badly injured, the intrepid but rather foolhardy hero fights on against the odds. But the arrival of the alligator puts paid to any chances he had, and inevitably....

Funaki the Superhero, killed by the banshee and the alligator.

Azrael the Wizard
Zordell the Necromancer
DjGod the protector
Drumbillet the sorcerer
Funaki the Superhero
Jesstar the Sorcerer

Funaki gibbers.

Drumbillet says "Not bad mate, almost as good as when you got killed by the eel in the sorc wars!"

A distant shout breaks the still air of the land,
"Anyone want the ls?"

After a brief pause, the shout is returned,
"Yrs Wher are u?"

Azrael says "Ah.. the sounds of a desperate Mike!"

Funaki says "I'll give him three minutes!"

Drumbillet grins

In the distance we hear a scream.

DJgod laughs, out loud

And shortly,

Mike the Necromancer, killed by Foz the Superhero, Maverick the hero and Zedar the spellbinder.

Drumbillet says "Wow not even 3 mins!"

Mike has arrived.

Mike the protector shouts "Wjy did yoo do taht? I hate yoo bastrads!"

Jesstar tuts.

Funaki says "Isn't it amazing how Mike gets more incoherent as he gets angrier?"
Drumbillet agrees.

Mike the protector shouts " Ime goign and ime not cominng bak!"

Azrael says "Well, it's probably for the best."

Mike has left.

Djgod shouts "wEll i LieK hAM!!!!!1"

Funaki grins.

Drumbillet asks "So zordy, exactly how long have you had that same Necro?"

Zordell says "518 hours of play. Why?"

DJgod says "Er do you ever intend to actually try to get to Warlock, or even go into the land at all?"

Zordell says "Only when I drop near Sorc because of hugging people!"

Drumbillet asks "So what happened last time you tried to go out in the land?"

Zordell says "Well as soon as I got out there everyone kept talking to me!"

Funaki asks "Were they asking where you were in the land?"

Zordell says "No, why?"

Funaki says "Well I thought they would be after your bounty, and especially since you're lacking in practice: the last time you gained a level was back in 98!"

Funaki says "God knows I'd be after you anyway!"

Zordell says "Oh cheers! When was the last time you had a decent character Funaki?"

Funaki says "I can't actually remember that far back! Anyway its only because the touchstones have taken a disliking to me!"

Djgod says "Well thats your excuse! It may be more because you're a terrible player!"

Funaki agrees.

Funaki says "There was that time when I tried to get a seer for two hours without success!"

Djgod says "Thats just sad!"

Funaki agrees.

Djgod says "So do any of you intend on playing tonight? Obviously Zordell won't "

Zordell grumbles.

Funaki says "Not a chance!"

Drumbillet declines.

Djgod asks "What about you Jess?"

10 minutes later...
Djgod waits.

Drumbillet wonders.

Funaki grins.

Jesstar says "I'm dloading mp3's"

Djgod nods.

Jesstar says "And lagging"

Drucilla has entered.

Drucilla says "Hey, anyone want to do icons?"

Drumbillet says "No because you'll try to steal them and run off."

Djgod agrees.

Drucilla says "If Rev was here he'd fod you!"

Drumbillet says "Oh stop whining!"

Drucilla has left.

Heiach has entered.

Drumbillet says "Hi Hei"

Djgod grins.

Heiach says "Huh? Who are you?"

Drumbillet says "Oh god!"

Heiach says "Who are they? I've forgotten who you all are"

Funaki despairs.

Heiach says "And what is this game? Why am I here?"

The tea is advancing towards Heiach threateningly.

The tea says "Damn your memory!"

Heiach screams.

Heiach has left.

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