Muddled Times
Issue:Issue 13, December 2001

Muddled Times Awards 2001

It's that time of year again. With the December issue comes the Muddled Times awards, given to players who make the game the fun and enjoyable place it is. The nominations come from a variety of sources (the MT team, wizzes and mortals) so don't blame all this on me! As always, if you think there's one we've missed, drop us a note at and we'll put an updated list up in the new year!

There have been lots of changes this year, and I'm glad to say they've been almost all good! The biggest change must have been the demise of Wireplay and the birth of So, our first prize goes to Wireplay for a great start - a start we are committed to continuing.

Of course, MUD wouldn't be what it is without the players - and we have quite a variety. One who constantly keeps us lauging (or at least he likes to think he does is Seamus who wins the prize for most appalling jokes.

Once more, we have a prize for the player with the most unpronounceable name. This year it goes to none other than Akevjtfskq. If anyone sees him in The Land, could you ask him what his name is supposed to sound like? Thanks!

Maxwell wins the prize for most intriguing mortal and Roger wins the prize for most enigmatic guest (sometimes male, sometimes female, sometimes a dragon - you never can be sure!)

Unfortunately, some players have left us over the last year. The prize for the most noticeable absence goes jointly to Wdi and Drucilla (when she left, the peace was deafening!)

While we're on the subject, Tarl once more wins the prize for most absent wiz while Sepultura wins a special prize for being our first international wiz. McNabb wins the prize for allowing us to run his excellent Haunted Castle quest.

Just before Wireplay closed down, we had one last big event there (and I do mean big - over 50 players turned up!) The prize for winning the biggest event on Wireplay goes to Moondancer. Of course, he's not the only event winner, and for winning the first event on we award a prize to Heiach.

Bagpuss wins the prize for the best impersonation of a pussycat. Unfortunately, there has to be a flip-side to every coin, so Angeleyes wins the prize for the worst impersonation of a pussycat!

The prize for muppet of the year goes to Sabretooth who, having lost his magic at mage told a friend - Lady Sabretooth tells you "dam wizzes prefixed me". The prize also goes to Muppet as ... well, he's really a muppet.

Once again, a number of mobiles have been awarded prizes. This year, the hedgehog receives the prize for the most hardy mobile. If you've killed him lots, you'll know what I mean!

The Goblin3 is unfortunate enough to win the prize for most abused mobile. Yes, it's been attacked even more than the Goblin2!

The most sought-after prize (amongst the mobiles, anyway) goes to The Dragon for being the most likely to kill Azrael!

Lastly, the Phoenix wins a special prize for inspiration for the new server.

Heading back to players, we had two very good meets this year, so two prizes for the best mudmeet organisers go to Gehenna and Jincks.

We have some prizes this year for contributors to Muddled Times. The joint prize for best subeditors goes to Clare and Bigphil.

Foz wins the prize for being the author of the most exciting adventure story, while Fearless wins the prize for the greatest unfinished MUD epic. Theman wins the prize for the most intellectual Muddled Times articles.

Lastly, and by no means least the prize for the youngest MUD player goes to Daniel, born on the 21st of October. As it'll be a while before he's able to collect his prize, Marlight & Poledra will be picking it up for him.

Congratulations to everyone,


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